Kaitlin P. Anderson


Dr. Anderson is a researcher at AIR with extensive experience in educational program evaluation and policy analysis, focusing on policies and programs to address systemic inequalities in education, including those related to student discipline, special education, teacher quality, curricular tracking, segregation, and opportunity gaps. Dr. Anderson has methodological expertise in both quantitative methods (e.g., quasi-experimental approaches using state longitudinal data systems and surveys) and mixed methods approaches to program evaluation.

In her recent research, Dr. Anderson has examined the role of bias in explaining racial/ethnic gaps in Advanced Placement and dual enrollment participation, as well as the implementation and impact of restorative practices in 5 school districts participating in a research-practice partnership in Michigan.

Dr. Anderson has published in top journals including Educational Researcher, Education Finance and Policy, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, and Educational Administration Quarterly, and her work has been funded by Michigan State University, and the Steelcase Foundation.

Before joining AIR, Dr. Anderson was an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Lehigh University and a high school mathematics teacher.

Kaitlin Anderson

Ph.D., Education Policy, University of Arkansas; B.S., Commerce and Economics, University of Virginia
